Reference PROJECTS
Complex, end-to-end, spray-drying facility
Project details
Project details
Top-20 pharma firm
Small Molecules
Solutions we provided
Concept design, basic design, detailed design, and project execution, including automation and commissioning and qualification.
Complex, end-to-end, spray-drying facility
Complex, end-to-end, spray-drying facility
KeyPlants completed a project in 2024 to adapt existing production premises to a newly developed spray dryer production platform based on innovative technology.
In the project, a new, scale spray-drying system was installed in an existing building. KeyPlants provided the whole solution from end to end, from concept, basic, and detailed design through project execution, including automation and, finally, commissioning and qualification.
The project required significant environmental design development and supporting process system development, as well as supply chain development, from new receiving tanks for liquid nitrogen, preparation of the product(s), and spray drying, and extension of the existing abatement unit to treat the exhausted gas stream.
KeyPlants was responsible for the design, automation, commissioning and start-up of the spray-drying process in an existing building with height restrictions. The work included specifying and installing the equipment adjacent to the spray dryer and integrating the spray-drying process with it.
In the spray-drying process, the product is separated from the nitrogen gas in a multi-cyclone, which is cleaned with an automatic Cleaning In Place (CIP) procedure. During the procedure, which KeyPlants designed, the cyclone is detached from the rest of the equipment and then lifted with a specially designed hoist before the spray balls can be installed. In the dosing of the final product the client requires frequent sampling of the product. To address this efficiently, KeyPlants designed, constructed, fully automated and validated a special sampling unit. KeyPlants also integrated the process control system with the dosing system and the pressurized glove box (i.e., isolator) that protects the operators from exposure to the final product.